PInano XY-microscope stages and XYZ-microscope stages are designed for super-resolution microscopy with nanometer steps resolution. Driven by high-performance piezoelectric stack actuators, PInano piezo stages provide high velocity, very high accuracy and fast acceleration with minimal step and settle times in the millisecond range – very important for scanning microscopy and particle tracking. These 2-axis and 3-axis nanopositioners combine with the U-780 low profile XY-tables for long distance slide scanning with up to 135mm per axis. Ultrasonic motors provide extreme stability and a very wide dynamic range from microns/second to 100mm/second.

If very high loads and long travel motion in the 100’s of mm is required, check check our V-817 linear motor slides and our 2-axis long travel XY-tables and 3-axis motorized stages. Motorized precision linear slides from PI are available with frictionless air bearings and mechanical precision bearings.

Computer Control / Software:

These microscopy nanopositioning stages be computer controlled via a the included digital nanopositioning motion controller of the E-727 multi-axis controller series. LabView drivers and MatLab examples are available for easy integration.

These High Value Nanopositioning Stages are designed for High-Resolution Microscopy

Inexpensive cost-optimized design with piezoresistive sensors
Including E-727 USB controller and software
Low profile for easy integration: 20 mm
Clear aperture for 3×1'' microscope slide, recessed insertable holder
Outstanding lifetime due to PICMA® piezo actuators
Subnanometer resolution, fast response time in the ms range

High guiding accuracy due to zero-play flexure guides
Flexure guides are free of maintenance, friction, and wear, and do not require lubrication. Their stiffness allows high load capacity and they are insensitive to shock and vibration. They are 100 % vacuum compatible and work in a wide temperature range.

Outstanding lifetime thanks to PICMA® piezo actuators
The patented PICMA® piezo actuators are all-ceramic insulated. This protects them against humidity and failure resulting from an increase in leakage current. PICMA® actuators offer an up to ten times longer lifetime than conventional polymer-insulated actuators. 100 billion cycles without a single failure are proven.

Extensive software for rapid start of productive operation
Thanks to support of MATLAB and NI LabVIEW as well as all common operating systems (Windows, Linux, and macOS), integration succeeds in virtually every environment – quickly and efficiently. Sophisticated programming examples and software tools such as PIMikroMove shorten the time to productive operation considerably.
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Item #

Item Name

Active Axes

Closed Loop Travel Range

Closed Loop Resolution (typ.)

Push/Pull Force Capacity (max.)

Click Link for More Information

N/A P-545.xR8S PInano® XY / XYZ Piezo Nanopsitioning Tables for Microscopy N/A X, Y N/A 200 × 200 µm N/A 1 nm N/A 50 / 30 N N/A Specifications, CAD / Drawings, Manuals, Videos
N/A P-545.xR8S PInano® XY / XYZ Piezo Nanopsitioning Tables for Microscopy N/A X, Y, Z N/A 200 × 200 × 200 µm N/A 1 nm N/A 50 / 30 N N/A Specifications, CAD / Drawings, Manuals, Videos
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