US Headquarters 16 Albert Street Auburn, MA 01501 United States Phone: 508-832-3456 Fax: 508-832-0506 Email:contact@pi-usa.us Website: www.pi-usa.us
Reference-class 6-axis positioning system Parallel-kinematic design for six degrees of freedom making it significantly more compact and stiff than serial-kinematic systems, higher dynamic range, no moved cables: Higher reliability, reduced friction. Vacuum-compatible version to 106 hPa available
Fields of application Research and industry, standard and vacuum environments. For micromanufacturing, medical technology, tool inspection.
Brushless DC motor (BLDC) Brushless DC motors are particularly suitable for high rotational speeds. They can be controlled very accurately and ensure high precision. Because they dispense with sliding contacts, they run smoothly, are wear-free and therefore achieve a long lifetime.
Unit of Measure
More Information: Specifications, CAD Drawings, Manuals, etc.