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Option for self-locking at rest by magnetic preload
The directly driven low-profile rotation stages of the PIglide RL series are designed for the highest precision with low-profile design. Various options can be combined to create a solution ideal for point-to-point indexing or constant velocity scanning. The RL stages offer superior travel accuracy, flatness, and wobble performance.
Absolute encoder (optional) Absolute encoders supply explicit position information that enables immediate determination of the position. This means that referencing is not required during switch-on, which increases efficiency and safety during operation.
Application fields Optical alignment, wafer inspection, wafer alignment, measuring technology, inspection systems, calibration, scanning. Thanks to the friction-free motion, no particles are formed, which makes PIglide stages ideal for cleanroom applications.
Unit of Measure
More Information: Specifications, CAD Drawings, Manuals, etc.